Episode 9: All This Rain is Giving the Trees a Big Drink of Water

Bowser: It seems like it has been raining all week long. This one cloud seems to be hanging right over top of the big beautiful green tree village.
Hippity hop: I agree Bowser. It is been raining so long I forget what the sun looks like. It is definitely getting in the way of me going out doing my happy hopping. Hop hop hop
EEE: Well I like the rain. It is helping to keep all my bananas nice and clean and also it is helping to keep all the insects away from my bananas. There is nothing better than nice clean bananas. There is nothing better than nice clean bananas to peel before i eat them. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: I definitely don’t like to get wet from the rain so I hold my pretty pink blankey over my head.
This is something I learned at a very young age, it is something that my mother often said.
Hoolio: When it rains like this I am happy that I have all the feathers that I need to keep me dry. When I was a very very very little boy back in Italy when it rains my uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy would hold his wings out to the side and all my friends would stand beneath them and the two wings would keep all of us dry.
Bowser: Woof woof woof ahwoooooo!! That would be such a great look, all your friends under your uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy’s wings like two big umbrellas.
Hippity hop: I really have to be careful when I do my happy hopping when everything is wet. It become so slippery so I do my little happy hopping, I make sure that I don’t hop higher than the treetops. Hop hop hop hop
EEE: One other thing the rain does for me is that it gives me a shower and keeps me clean. I have some banana scented shampoo and I use it on my banana scoop hairdo to keep it shiny and yellow. EEE EEE yellow is my favorite color EEE EEE!!
Meowser: I love being inside when it rains and watching the raindrop splashes.
What I don’t like is when the thunder booms and the lightening flashes.
Meow meow says the little kitty
Hoolio: One of the favorite things my mama taught me was to appreciate all the rain we would get in our village when I was a little boy back in Italy. My mama would say “all of this rain is giving the trees a big drink of water.”
Bowser: Your mama is exactly right Hoolio! When it rains like this, day after day, it lets the rainwater soak deep into the soil and lets the roots have a big drink of water.
Hippity hop: One of my favorite things is after it stops raining. There are so many puddles everywhere. When I do my happy hopping if I land on both my feet, my magic pink booties can splash everyone around me. Some of the other animals would stand right next to me so they would get soaking wet. They would laugh and laugh and laugh. Hop hop hop hop hop hop
EEE: when it stops raining I am going to celebrate by swinging from every branch of a tree and giving each of my banana bunches a big hug because they make me so happy when they’re bright, shiny and yellow. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: Until it stops raining I’m just going to find a nice cozy corner and read a good book.
I’ll be able to tell when it stops raining, when I turn my head towards the window and have me a look.
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, I learned so many things from my my mama and my uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy. One other great lesson both of them taught me was when it’s raining outside day after day, it’s a good time to stay inside and do some cooking day after day. They said that it helps keep your spirits up and your belly full.


Episode 5: Home is Always in Your Heart


Episode 6: Will You Be Bogie’s Valentine?