Episode 6: Will You Be Bogie’s Valentine?
Bowser: It’s gonna be that time of year again when I start checking my mailbox to see what valentines people send me.
Hippity hop: I love Valentine’s Day, it puts me in such a good mood and a smile on my face. How could I not do my happy hop? Hop hop hop it’s almost Valentine’s Day hop hop hop
EEE: I always send out valentines every year to as many others as I can. My Valentine‘s are almost the same every year. There’s two bananas in the shape of a heart with a picture of me in the middle. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: I love Valentines because every year I get at least one.
Opening up the envelope to see who sent it is such fun.
Hoolio: I remember one thing that my uncle Pablo Giovanni smoochy Woochy did on Valentine’s Day when I was a little boy back in Italy. He decided that he was going to make meatballs in the shape of hearts so that people could give them to others that they liked. That was one of the few ideas that didn’t turn out so good for my uncle.
Bowser: Woof woof woof ahhwow that is a good one Bowser. If somebody gave me a meatball, I wouldn’t care what shape it was in, especially if your mama or uncle made them Hoolio.
Hippity hop: I love delivering my valentines in person. I hop all throughout our village and deliver one to everyone I know. Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays.
EEE: I’d love to try that with you hippity hop I’ll bet some of my Valentines are going to some of the same people that you’re going to deliver yours to. We could have so much fun delivering our Valentines.
Meowser: I am going to give each and everyone of you a Valentine’s Day card.
When you don’t have to decide who you’re going to give one to, the choice isn’t hard.
Meow meow says the little kitty
Hoolio: In Italy, Valentine’s Day is a very big event. My mama told me that Valentine’s Day started in Italy, that’s why all the stores and everyone celebrate in a very big way by giving candy and cards to everyone they love.
Bowser: I heard from Bob that Bogie likes to give Valentine’s Day cards out to everyone who sends him a Valentine’s Day card. He especially likes to send them out to puppy dogs.
Hippity hop: Bogie has given me a Valentine’s Day card every year since I’ve known him. It always makes me want to do my happy hop. Hop hop hop I love getting Valentine’s Day cards from Bogie hop hop hop hop
EEE: That’s right hippity hop, Bogie always gives one to me and I give one to him. He always says that my banana shaped heart is one of his favorite Valentine’s Day cards every year. EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: Bogie once told me that giving out he Valentine’s Day cards was one of his favorite things to do.
He said that every year he would send out at least 100 or two.
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, my mama taught me to send a Valentine’s Day card to someone who wasn’t expecting one from me. It was always a really nice way to cheer someone up. That sounds exactly what Bogie does by sending out so many cards to children and puppy dogs, especially because so many send him a card.