Episode 2: Bogie is Always Ready for Summer and a Parade

Bowser: I love when summer comes. I love throwing a couple of my crunchy munchy bones on the grill so they’re nice and warm when I eat them.
Hippity hop: have any of you ever tried grilled carrots on the grill? It is one of my favorite meals in the summertime. Hop hop hop It’s time for grilled carrots hop hop hop
EEE: There are so many different ways to eat bananas. One of my favorite summertime treats is making a banana milkshake and then freezing it so I can feel it crunch in my mouth as I chew on it. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: I love summertime and wearing my bathing suit.
If I must say so myself, I think it looks pretty cute.
Hoolio: One of my favorite things to do in the summertime is to make a couple of big meatballs and cook them up on the grill. They have such a good flavor when I do that.
Bowser: Woof woof woof ahhwow that sounds so good Hoolio, do you suppose you could make an extra one for me? I’ve had your meatballs on the grill before and they are just perfect for me.
Hippity hop: Having grilled carrots on the grill is always a favorite memory of mine. Summertime is such an awesome time of year we should all have wonderful memories of all the fun things we do.
EEE: All of your food sounds so good. If any one of you would like me to make you a banana milkshake or a banana smoothie just let me know. I think either one of them would go good with anything anyone of you makes.
Meowser: I like getting dressed up for a parade like a beauty queen.
I hope one year all the judges say that I am the prettiest that they have ever seen. Meow meow says the little kitty
Hoolio: My uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy used to be in every parade in our village. Most every year he was the grand marshal of the parade. That means he would ride sitting on the back of the car waving at everyone. Everyone in the village likes my uncle.
Bowser: I know somebody who likes to get dressed up every day in the summertime, that is Bogie. He has all sorts of fun pool outfits and he is always ready for a parade.
Hippity hop: Every time I’m in a parade I do my happy hop and give everybody a high five as I hop by. Everyone says, “Come on Hippity hop, do your happy hop.“ Hop hop hop I love happy hopping in the parade hop hop hop
EEE: I love every time there’s a parade because I see the fun outfits that Bogie wears. I remember one year I talked Bogie into wearing a big banana outfit and he won first prize. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: I think my favorite way of dressing up for a parade is as if I was the president.
I wave at all the people I pass by, all of those I would represent.
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, my mama made sure I was always dressed up for the different pool parties that she had. Just like Bogie, I always had something fun to wear. I always love how Bogie dresses up.


Episode 3: On Someone’s Birthday Make Sure That They Feel Special


Episode 1: Bogie Meets His Puppet Friends