Episode 1: Bogie Meets His Puppet Friends
Bob: Hello, I hope you don’t mind me knocking on your door but this is Bogie and he is new to this village and wants to meet everyone who lives here.
Bowser: Well hello Bogie, My name is Bowser, you’re gonna love the big beautiful green tree village because there’s are so many nice animals who live here. And I know you’re going to love my son Bow wowser who lives next door. Thanks for stopping by, see you later.
Bob: Hello hello, are you in there Bow wowser? We just met your dad next-door and he said that you and Bogie would like each other. I hope you and Bogie can play together a whole bunch.
Bow wowser: This is so cool! Hi Bogie. It’s always nice to see another puppy dog in the village. We can have a lot of fun playing together. There’s someone else I love playing with in our village and she lives at the very top of the house next-door, her name is Hippity hop. She loves doing her happy hop everywhere we go.
Bob: Hello Hippity Hop, are you in there, Bogie loves bunny rabbits and he thinks that the two of you could be good friends, hopping and running all around the village.
Hippity hop: You must be a Boston terrier. I know that Boston terrier puppies love to have fun and love to run and run and run. Maybe you, Bow wowser and I can get together and play all day. I’ve got to go now but don’t forget to say hello to EEE, he lives up in the big beautiful green tree.
Bob: Hi EEE, what beautiful bananas you have up in the tree. Bogie doesn’t think he has ever seen bananas as perfectly ripened than the ones you are in charge of. You must be very smart about taking care of bananas.
EEE: That’s a wonderful compliment. I work very hard to make sure my bananas ripen to perfection. Anyone who is nice to me, like you just were, gets to share a special treat with me. I’m going to make the three of us a super duper double banana split. For I am EEEEEE!
Bob: Well hello three little birds. We heard your beautiful singing. The three of you are so beautiful with your polkadots and stripes. All of you are close together like one big happy family.Sweet, Tweet and Pete
Parakeet: peep peep peep Tweet tweet. Yes, we are the Parakeet family, we are Sweet, Tweet and Pete Parakeet. When our son Pete parakeet was born we were told he would never be able to flap his wings, so we have to fly together as a family. It is so awesome to be close to each other. You are going to be such a nice addition to our village. Welcome Bogie and Bob! Peep peep peep tweet tweet tweet
Bob: Well thank you Parakeet family, It looks like someone might be living in this tree. Hello hello is anyone home? Come out come out whoever you are.
Miss Red Raspberry: It’s me, it’s me Miss Red Raspberry. Well hello, I’ve heard so much about a young puppy dog named Bogie who is so nice and gentle. What a fine friend you are going to be to everyone in our village.
Bob: What a wonderful thing Miss red raspberry said about Bogie. I wonder who could be living up here all the way at the top of this house. Knock knock, who’s there? I hope it’s somebody nice in there
Meowser: Hello Bogie my name Meowser, I’m a little kitty. I used to live in a very big city. But now right here I have found my forever home. And if you choose to live here you will never feel alone. Oh my goodness there’s someone in the village you just have to meet. He is a big big bird and really sweet. He is also very coolio. He lives at the top of the tree and his name is Hoolio. You are gonna love his stories about his mama and his uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy. His stories are loved by every poochy.
Bob: Hello Hoolio. I’ve been hearing so many great things about you from everyone. I really want to know about your mama and your uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy. Your mama sounds like she makes some really good meatballs, Bogie and I would love to try one one day.
Hoolio: Well hello Bogie, I saw you talking to everyone in our village and I was hoping you would stop by to say hello to me. I’m Hoolio and I used to live in Italy. I love to think of all the memories I had when I was a little boy back in Italy. My mama and my uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy love to cook and tell wonderful stories. I wish I was there making meatballs and lasagna and even pizza right now. Sometimes they cook for the entire village in Italy and if we were there, you would be invited too. You could have all of my mamas meatballs that you want to eat because there’s one thing that they do best and that is sharing with others.
Bob: Thank you to everyone for taking the time to talk with us and welcoming us to the big beautiful green tree village. This is going to be such a nice place to live. We are gone a lot because we travel all over the world. We live in the Kindness Bus when we travel and we try to help people remember to have a goal of one million acts of kindness in their lives. It is such an awesome goal to have. Meeting all of you today, I realized that each and everyone of you are kind already. Bogie and I are about to head out to visit some schools so, goodbye for now.