Episode 3: On Someone’s Birthday Make Sure That They Feel Special

Bowser: I’m looking at the Kindness Bus and I see a lot of things going on. Somebody even brought in a big cake and gave it to Bob.
Hippity hop: i’m going to have to hop over to the Kindness Bus and see what’s going on.
EEE: I’ve got a really good view from way up here in the big beautiful green tree. I see some balloons that someone brought also. Something must be going on today. Does anybody know?
Meowser: I have no idea what’s happening but it sure looks like it could be a lot of fun.
It sure is a good day for a party with all this sun.
Hoolio: Oh my goodness all of you, I forgot to tell you. I talked with Bob yesterday and we’re all invited to Bogie’s birthday party today. I’m gonna have to hurry up and make a big order of my mama’s famous meatballs that she used to make when I was a little boy back in Italy. Bogie’s party is sure to be a very big hit.
Bowser: Woof woof woof ahhwow I am so excited. I love a good birthday party especially when is for another puppy dog. I know exactly what I am going to give Bogie for a birthday present, one of my brand new crunchy munchy dog bones.
Hippity hop: I’m glad I went to the market yesterday and bought a nice big bunch of fresh carrots. I know that dogs love carrots so I’m going to give Bogie a fresh bunch of carrots for him to snack on.
EEE: This is so awesome. I haven’t been to a birthday party in the longest time. I’m going to make a ginormous super duper banana split with whipped cream and s cherry on top, big enough for all of us to eat after we help Bogie eat his birthday cake.
Meowser: Usually kitties cats and puppies don’t like the same things at all.
But the birthday present I am going to give to Bogie will be perfect for him, it’s a big colorful ball. Meow meow says the little kitty
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, my uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy, always wrote down everybody’s birthday in the village we lived in on a big calendar. He made sure that everybody knew each other’s birthday. He would always say that a birthday is everyone’s most important day of the year and we all should wish everyone a happy birthday. He is absolutely right.
Bowser: My birthday is so important to me I like to make sure that I do something special with all of my friends on my big day that way I remember all of my birthdays forever.
Hippity hop: I am so happy for bogey. I’m going to do my happy hop all day long to celebrate his birthday. Hop hop hop hop hop pop it’s bogie’s birthday hop hop hop
EEE: I can’t wait till Bogie sees the ginormous banana split that I make for him. He is such a nice puppy dog and he deserves to have a wonderful birthday celebration. Wait until he tastes the banana split. EEE EEE EEE he’s gonna love it EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: We are so lucky to have Bogie in our village and we should let him know that’s how we feel.
Let’s let him know that he is special and a very big deal.
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, my mama taught me how to sing happy birthday in Italian. I’m going to sing it right now, nice and loud, so that Bogie can hear me all the way down in the Kindness Bus.
Tanti ahgurdi ah tay
Tanti ahgurdi ah tay
Tanti ahgurdi Bogie boy
Tanti ahgurdi ah tay


Episode 4: Who Wants to Have a Pool Party?


Episode 2: Bogie is Always Ready for Summer and a Parade