Episode 7: I Like Fixing Things
Bowser: Oh my goodness Meowser what is all the noise going on up above me? I hear drilling and pounding and pounding and drilling. Is there something wrong?
Hippity hop: My roommate across the way has a window sash that has come loose. She looks like she’s doing a fine job fixing it. She has got some amazing know how. Hop hop hop
EEE: The window sash blew open in the wind the other night and it hasn’t been nice enough to get it fixed. It’s so nice that you’re going to do this Meowser. There’s one thing that my bananas need and that is peace and quiet so they can get perfectly ripe for me.
Meowser: I like doing fix-it things, especially this old banging window sash.
I think it’s better to save things rather than just throwing them in the trash.
Hoolio: It is amazing what you can do Meowser. My mama back in Italy would be so proud of you. She fixed everything around our house when I was a little boy back in Italy. She not only taught me how to cook wonderful meals but she taught me how to take care of things that are broken.
Bowser: Woof woof ahhwow! I don’t mean to laugh Hoolio but I just pictured your mom making meatballs with one hand and using a hammer in the other hand.
Hippity hop: Thank you for fixing your window sash Meowser. I heard something banging the last couple of days but I didn’t know what it was.
EEE: Thank you so much for doing that Meowser. That window sash has been banging against the house and scaring my bananas. It’s so nice that you are going to fix it. It’ll make me so happy and it will make my bananas happy also. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: I hope that my window sash banging didn’t keep everyone up the past couple of nights.
I decided to fix it during the daytime because at night time, I would need to use lights. Meow meow says the little kitty
Hoolio: My uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy was a great fixit man in our village when I was a little boy growing up in Italy. He even remodeled his kitchen so he could put a double convection oven in to make hundreds of meatballs a day.
Bowser: I think if I lived in Italy in the same village you lived in Hoolio, I know I would become one of your uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy’s favorite friends. Your uncle could make the meatballs and I would eat them. To me that’s a match made in heaven.
Hippity hop: It’s going to be so nice to get some rest tonight I am going to be able to sleep and make up for some of the sleep I didn’t get the past couple of nights. Tomorrow, I will be rested up enough to do my happy hop all day long. Hop hop hop hop
EEE: Since you’re gonna do your happy hop Hippity hop, I’ve decided I’m going to celebrate too. I am going to make a super duper ginormous banana split as big as a bathtub and we can all take turns eating it. EEE EEE EEE
Meowser: Well this turned out to be much easier job than I had thought.
The most enjoyable part is the peace and quiet that it brought.
Hoolio: When I was a little boy back in Italy, my mama and uncle Pablo Giovanni Smoochy Woochy both used to say, “Fix what you can fix today because tomorrow, you might not be able to fix it anymore.”